>> Friday, December 18, 2009

Toxins: Why You Should Cleanse for Life
December 12, 2009 by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences
Living a cleansing lifestyle may minimize harm from toxins in the environment.

Long-term protection from toxins can be achieved by living a nutritional cleansing lifestyle.

Every day we’re continually exposed to toxins in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the items we touch. Learning more about these potentially harmful chemicals can be critical for making decisions to protect long-term health. As with any subject, toxins are best understood through a little history.

Toxins—or xenobiotics—have always been part of the natural environment. Many of them are made by plants, bacteria, and animals as defenses to keep predators at bay. The greater the abundance of toxins in a species, the more likely they will survive. This natural arms race has produced millions of different kinds of toxins including venoms and poisons.

Human exposure to toxins also depends on how food is prepared. The use of fire was a novel way to deal with food toxins. Heat breaks down many plant and animal defenses. Another example was fermentation, in which microorganisms produce a food that is edible. As our ancestors improved upon their culinary talents, they were able to expand their palates.

Humans would eventually enjoy a wide variety of foods spanning all parts of the world. As they did, new foods and food preparation techniques would introduce new toxins. Examples are the chemicals produced by heat, such as char, nitrosamines or acrylamide, which can each be carcinogenic.

The act of living itself also comes to us at a cost. Toxins are produced within the human body from simply being alive day to day. Toxins may, at times, be used to battle foreign bacteria or viruses. These can cause harm as they work to protect the body, but after their job is done, they are detoxified through biochemical processes.

Modern World

In our modern environment, pollution and food processing has increased our toxic load considerably. Humans have added thousands of new chemicals that pollute our air and water. These toxins can often end up in our foods, not just in plants, but concentrated in the animals that we eat. Food is also laden with chemicals in form of pesticides, processing agents and artificial ingredients.
Chemicals may end up in water and food supply.

Continual flow of pollutants into water sources increases our risk of exposure to toxins.

As our bodies are endlessly exposed to toxins, the toxins can overwhelm the body’s natural detoxification defenses. A slow accumulation of toxins in our bodies may eventually disturb our natural processes.

It only adds to our toxic load when—in an age where portion sizes have grown out of proportion—we eat a lot more food than ever before. Most of the foods available are designed, not to support us nutritionally, but to appeal to the power of our taste buds. Our busy schedules have also made processed foods all the more convenient, adding to the waistline-expanding potential of sedentary lifestyles, and putting further burden on our bodies.

Human Body

The human body has had to adapt over the generations to removing varying toxic loads. Our bodies come equipped with powerful protections in forms of detoxification or cleansing systems. They are found throughout the body: in the stomach, the intestine, the liver and the kidneys.

The liver is a primary detoxification organ, metabolizing thousands of different chemicals we’re exposed to daily. Much of what we eat must pass through our livers. As the liver breaks nutrients down, it also metabolizes toxic substances. In most cases, these toxins are cleared from the blood, then eliminated through bile or urine. At other times, they can become stored in fat.

In addition, each individual cell contains its own inherent protections from the daily stresses of simply living. These include powerful detoxification and antioxidant enzymes, which help maintain cellular integrity so that the cell may function appropriately.

Nutritional Cleansing

Our ancestors found ways to enhance many of the body’s internal detoxification and cleansing systems. These nutritional cleansing methods, which have been around for thousands of years, are only now beginning to be understood. A common practice was the use of fasting along with herbal teas or special botanicals. The reduced food intake would allow the body to purify itself through rest and renewal. Botanicals such as aloe gel, licorice root and ashwaghanda root contain bioactives that encourage detoxification within the liver and in the individual cells.
A cleansing lifestyle assists the liver, a primary detoxifier.

Nutritional cleansing assists the liver, a primary detoxifier.

Age-old traditions of nutritional cleansing have now been combined with modern technologies. Isagenix is a company that has achieved this task with Cleanse for Life™, a drink specialized to support the liver, the immune system and cellular health with vitamins, herbal teas and other botanical ingredients. The ingredients were chosen to help protect the body from daily pollutants and promote their detoxification.

As a dietary supplement, Cleanse for Life can be taken daily for nourishment to help deal with daily toxic load and stresses. Alternatively, when taken as guided in the Cleansing and Fat Burning System—a program rich in nutrition and low in calories—one can reap benefits of “deep cleansing” and a sound approach to weight management.

Balanced nutrition and nutritional cleansing are key strategies for coping with daily toxins, but there are others. Although there’s no way to avoid all toxins, one can reduce exposure as much as possible. It can be achieved by simple lifestyle changes such as choosing clean fruits and vegetables, drinking clean water, using non-toxic skin care and seeking out fresh air whenever possible.


Shrinking after stuffing

>> Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Isagenix Health

Shrinking After Stuffing: “Day After Thanksgiving” Cleanse
November 25, 2009 by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences
Cleansing the day after stuffing oneself can help keep the weight off.

Cleansing the day after stuffing oneself may help keep the weight off.

Happy Turkey Day! Thanksgiving is a time of tradition and that means gobbling up turkey, honey-baked ham, sweet potatoes and stuffing until you’re stuffed. What about all the extra calories? It’s a pitfall many of us fall into year after year. Not to worry, though—if you take a cue from a recent study, a Cleanse Day on Friday may just help.

Cleansing the day after feasting, in fact, may even put you right back on track to achieving all your health and weight loss goals.

The study, which was published in November’s issue of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, presented a diet plan in which obese subjects alternated between “feed days” and “fast days.” Each “feed day,” participants were allowed to eat normally, then on “fast days” they cut calories to only a quarter of their energy needs.

(Sound familiar? Feed days—like Isagenix Shake Days except without the high-quality, nutrient-dense IsaLean Shake®. Fast days—a bit like Isagenix Cleanse Days except without the detox-promoting, health-energizing herbal properties of Cleanse for Life™.)

After a total of eight weeks, the modified alternate-day fasting plan helped the subjects lose considerable weight. What’s more is that the participants also had significant drops in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Dr. Krista Varady, who led the study along with other University of Illinois at Chicago researchers, told us, “I was surprised by how low some of the numbers dropped. What really got me interested in alternate-day fasting was its potential in mice for reducing risk of cardiovascular disease. It’s never clear how these things translate to humans.”

Does she think the study shows one can eat to his or her heart’s content on one day as long as he or she doesn’t eat the next?

When asked, Dr. Varady offered this response, with some caution, “Yes, that’s the idea, but I think there is compensation on the ‘feed days’ as you continue. You’re shrinking the stomach on the ‘fast days’. By the time the ‘feed days’ come around, people are hungry, but they don’t eat as much.”

Dr. Varady explained that this feature of the program may be the reason why participants had a hard time the first couple of weeks, but soon after they “got the hang of it” and found it easy to do.

Does she think the dietary approach will be popular? She said, “I didn’t think people would do it, but a lot of people have now called me and said they’ve been doing it for years. I don’t know if it will have mass appeal, but we’re hoping it offers a viable solution for some people who could otherwise not lose weight.”

We also asked Dr. Varady what her thoughts were on Isagenix’s nutritional cleansing approach as it’s helped thousands lose weight including many who’ve lost more than 100 pounds.

She said, “Wow, the products and dietary approach sounds really interesting. My team hasn’t looked at something like that yet. We’ll have to discuss how to collaborate on research.”


Difference in Supplements

>> Friday, October 30, 2009

Are You Taking Quality Nutritional Supplements?
October 17, 2009 by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences

If you want only the best for your body, then you don’t want to be purchasing from a company that settles for junk, especially when they’re selling it to you for a premium. When choosing nutritional products, it’s important to know what’s considered quality.

The problem of companies not properly evaluating quality of ingredients becomes all the worse in an environment where saving money is what counts. Some companies will simply avoid analyzing their raw materials.

Continual quality analysis is ever important. Not only should companies test raw materials for possible contamination with microbes, pesticides and heavy metals, but also to determine their potency. After all, it’s the potency of each ingredient that ultimately determines whether or not a finished product will satisfy customer’s needs.

For example, if a supplier provides a raw material for a botanical that doesn’t meet specified potency, then it’s up to a responsible company whose sights are set on quality to reject the material. Sometimes companies don’t reject poor quality raw materials from suppliers, but even more shocking is that when companies do reject materials, those materials often don’t get disposed of or destroyed.

The rejected batches just end up going on to the next bidder—companies who sell stuff cheap. And the trash they sell is often never tested beyond the federal requirement of “fingerprinting” each botanical powder to make sure it really is what it is. Too often enough, unfortunately, some companies even avoid doing the fingerprinting. These same disreputables are also known for tainting their products making them even cheaper.

The integrity of a dietary supplement company must be maintained through a “no compromise” quality policy. Such a company is Isagenix, for example, which spends millions of dollars annually just on analysis of ingredients. Upon receipt of raw materials, they are immediately quarantined and thoroughly inspected. The materials then go through rigorous tests for safety and purity. The company requires industry-standard evaluation methods to determine potency of each ingredient.

Only after full testing of ingredients does Isagenix allow finished products to be manufactured. They are only produced in facilities that meet and exceed Good Manufacturing Practices and are regularly audited by third-party qualified organizations. As if that wasn’t enough, the company goes the extra mile. To make sure that products are effective, Isagenix is one of the only companies in the world that has all finished products re-inspected and re-analyzed.

Why does Isagenix go through all the trouble and expense to do double-testing? To make sure every finished product will really achieve real end-results.


Get off the blood sugar Rollar Coaster

>> Monday, October 19, 2009

Get Off The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster Naturally
October 10, 2009 by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences

green tea and cinnamonMaybe you had a big lunch, ate that side of mashed potatoes, washed it all down with a Coke. For dessert, maybe you had just a cookie. Should be more than enough calories to last ‘til dinner. But what happens by early afternoon? Crash! Energy drains out you like water from a sink. So it’s back to the vending machine. More calories and more sugar to last you only a few more hours. By the end of the workday, and despite an extra cup of coffee (with extra cream and sugar), you’re yawning again.

We’ve all been there. This is bad blood sugar management at its worst. And where do all those extra carbs go? To belly bulge, no doubt thanks to insulin. Insulin is the hormone that stimulates uptake of blood sugar (glucose) into tissues and the hormone that sends excess dietary sugar straight to be produced into fat.

How can you get your body under control so you can have lasting energy and also lose weight? No special drugs or treatments needed. Here are five natural ways to keep blood sugar in check.

Exercise to sensitize. Being active can have drastic effects on insulin sensitivity and blood sugar management. In fact, according to the American Diabetes Association, just one intense workout may lower blood glucose levels for hours. For consistent blood sugar control, however, regular exercise is best. Just 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise can help improve blood sugar levels long term.

Eat balanced meals. When you eat meals, it’s the carbohydrates that are broken down and absorbed that raise blood sugar (glucose). Getting too much too quickly can cause glucose levels to spike. Then, after insulin kicks in, glucose takes a nosedive. But combining carbs with proteins, fats and fiber can help provide you with only gradual, manageable rises of blood sugar. An example of a nutritionally balanced meal is Isagenix® IsaLean Shake.

Stick to low-glycemic carbs. Glycemic index is a measure of how quickly a meal with carbs raises blood sugar. Proteins and fats serve to lower glycemic index of a meal, but fiber itself lowers glycemic index of carbs. “Good” carbs, as are called those low in glycemic index, include whole grains and high-fiber vegetables while “bad” carbs, those high in glycemic index, include white bread and mashed potatoes.

Use soluble fiber to solve blood sugar woes. Soluble fiber absorbs water and becomes gelatinous slowing the time that food leaves the stomach, which lowers glycemic response for better blood sugar control. Great sources of soluble fiber are oats such as found in Isagenix® SlimCakes®. And, according to a 2006 study in Diabetes Care, you may even have a greater effect on stabilizing blood sugar levels by combining soluble fiber from oats with resistant starch such as found in Isagenix® FiberPro.

Keep amount of carbs low per meal. Carbs are the body’s main fuel source, but lowering glycemic load by limiting carbs to less than 30g-45g total carbs can keep blood sugar from rising too high. Some experts even suggest breaking up breakfast, lunch and dinner into smaller meals spread throughout the day. For example, IsaLean Shake can be taken into two servings for two smaller meals (1 scoop in 4 oz) three hours apart and followed by smaller balanced meals high in fiber three hours apart.

Take control with chromium and cinnamon. Getting sufficient chromium in your diet can help you better maintain appropriate blood sugar levels. And, if you must have dessert, try sprinkling on plenty of cinnamon. Both chromium and cinnamon appear to potentiate insulin activity. To get enough with each meal, consider taking a high-quality supplement such as Isagenix® Natural Accelerator™.

Replace high-sugar sodas with green tea. Not only will you eliminate a lot of carbs, but you’ll be getting antioxidants called catechins such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). New research from National Institutes of Health suggests EGCG may help blood sugar management. ECGC appears to enhance vascular flow by improving delivery of glucose to tissues as well as by improving insulin activity. For optimal benefits, drink plenty of green tea throughout the day, or try supplementing with ECGC found in Isagenix® Natural Accelerator™ and Isagenix® Antioxidants.


No doubt about it,....We have depleted our foods

>> Wednesday, October 14, 2009

September 25th, 2008 by Chatelaine Mahler

No doubt about it … we have depleted our foods. Do you know that to get the same amount of nutrients you used to get from one head of lettuce in 1930, you’d need to eat 10 wheel barrows full!? How about an apple? If you ate an apple in 1976, you’d need to eat 12 apples today to get the same benefits. Astounding, right?
organic lettuce

Well, it is. But that’s only one piece of the problem. We now rush to health food stores and buy our organic fruit and vegetables! Well … wait a minute! Organic is no longer part of our world … they get rained on with toxic jet fuel! Some recent research showed 72 chemicals on organic lettuce!

The best of all is jet fuel being found in breast milk.

Okay, you may think this is way over the top. This few examples of the huge nutrition problem we find ourselves in is part of a long keynote address given by Peter Greenlaw a few weeks ago. At the date of this post, we do not have the actual backup research information, but we will get it. In the meantime, know that Peter Greenlaw is a trusted source for us.

People, it’s time to wake up! Our bodies are super toxic! This is why we advocate nutritional cleansing with Isagenix superfoods. Cleansing once a week or 2-3 times per month is the answer to our problem. Nutritional cleansing is about “cell” cleansing, not “colon” cleansing. Big difference. Although we agree that colon cleansing is a good practice, it will not eliminate toxicity from your cells - nutritional cleansing will.
Your body is the miracle - give it what it needs!


Avoiding Poisoned Apples

>> Tuesday, September 22, 2009

July 20, 2009 by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences

No need to watch out for evil witches; a tempting Red Delicious containing toxic chemicals such as pesticides may be lurking even at your nearest grocery store, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG).

The group has been an advocate about educating the public about exposure to toxins since 1993. One of there most popular publications is the Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in which they rank pesticide contamination for 47 popular fruits and vegetables according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration.

Effects of pesticides on health are a matter of controversy, but EWG has questioned safety data because of the design of these chemicals to “kill living organisms”. The group also cites links to carcinogenic effects and other toxic effects on the nervous system and endocrine system as well as possible irritation to skin, eyes and lungs.

Knowing which fruits and vegetables to avoid or buy organic is important for reducing the body’s exposure to pesticides. In fact, EWG suggests that about 80 percent of exposure can be avoided by simply avoiding the top “dirty dozen”, as EWG calls them. Here they are:

* Peaches
* Apples
* Sweet Bell Peppers
* Celery
* Nectarines
* Strawberries
* Cherries
* Kale
* Lettuce
* Grapes – Imported
* Carrots
* Pears

Should you simply buy all your fruits and vegetables organic? Not necessarily. According to EWG, the “Clean 15″ at the bottom of the pesticide list are nothing to worry about:

* Onions
* Avocado
* Sweet Corn
* Pineapple
* Mango
* Asparagus
* Sweet Peas
* Kiwi
* Cabbage
* Eggplant
* Papaya
* Watermelon
* Broccoli
* Tomato
* Sweet Potato

David Despain
Manager of Technical Projects, Nutritional Sciences
Science Editor, Isagenix Health and Wellness Blog


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