>> Monday, June 1, 2009

This is the phenomenon that takes place as soon as I become smitten with a new guy, and trust me that doesn't happen too often. But when it does, look out- every room in my brain is rented. The brain cells are working overtime with that crazy imagination of mine.

You can't go anywhere without your brain, I've tried it and it doesn't work! So you have this pleasurable, yet highly annoying thought pattern that won't give up. When you exercise, you think about that kiss, when you cook dinner you think about that smile, when you try and go to sleep you think about everything in-between. Yikes!

It is enough to drive you crazy, cause I am not getting anything done and my world still needs me in it- to run it.

So, I've devised a plan, actually a schedule that will give me free time with my new guy in my brain for 2 hours everyday. That's it. I schedule time to think only of him and in that wonderful imagination of mine, we can travel, kiss until our mouths fall off, have dinner anywhere and do the things that lovers do. But when the buzzer goes off, then back to reality and productivity. .

Its a relief when things return to some normalcy, , but what fun that ride is while
it lasts! You never know when you will feel that way again.

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