>> Friday, December 18, 2009

Toxins: Why You Should Cleanse for Life
December 12, 2009 by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences
Living a cleansing lifestyle may minimize harm from toxins in the environment.

Long-term protection from toxins can be achieved by living a nutritional cleansing lifestyle.

Every day we’re continually exposed to toxins in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the items we touch. Learning more about these potentially harmful chemicals can be critical for making decisions to protect long-term health. As with any subject, toxins are best understood through a little history.

Toxins—or xenobiotics—have always been part of the natural environment. Many of them are made by plants, bacteria, and animals as defenses to keep predators at bay. The greater the abundance of toxins in a species, the more likely they will survive. This natural arms race has produced millions of different kinds of toxins including venoms and poisons.

Human exposure to toxins also depends on how food is prepared. The use of fire was a novel way to deal with food toxins. Heat breaks down many plant and animal defenses. Another example was fermentation, in which microorganisms produce a food that is edible. As our ancestors improved upon their culinary talents, they were able to expand their palates.

Humans would eventually enjoy a wide variety of foods spanning all parts of the world. As they did, new foods and food preparation techniques would introduce new toxins. Examples are the chemicals produced by heat, such as char, nitrosamines or acrylamide, which can each be carcinogenic.

The act of living itself also comes to us at a cost. Toxins are produced within the human body from simply being alive day to day. Toxins may, at times, be used to battle foreign bacteria or viruses. These can cause harm as they work to protect the body, but after their job is done, they are detoxified through biochemical processes.

Modern World

In our modern environment, pollution and food processing has increased our toxic load considerably. Humans have added thousands of new chemicals that pollute our air and water. These toxins can often end up in our foods, not just in plants, but concentrated in the animals that we eat. Food is also laden with chemicals in form of pesticides, processing agents and artificial ingredients.
Chemicals may end up in water and food supply.

Continual flow of pollutants into water sources increases our risk of exposure to toxins.

As our bodies are endlessly exposed to toxins, the toxins can overwhelm the body’s natural detoxification defenses. A slow accumulation of toxins in our bodies may eventually disturb our natural processes.

It only adds to our toxic load when—in an age where portion sizes have grown out of proportion—we eat a lot more food than ever before. Most of the foods available are designed, not to support us nutritionally, but to appeal to the power of our taste buds. Our busy schedules have also made processed foods all the more convenient, adding to the waistline-expanding potential of sedentary lifestyles, and putting further burden on our bodies.

Human Body

The human body has had to adapt over the generations to removing varying toxic loads. Our bodies come equipped with powerful protections in forms of detoxification or cleansing systems. They are found throughout the body: in the stomach, the intestine, the liver and the kidneys.

The liver is a primary detoxification organ, metabolizing thousands of different chemicals we’re exposed to daily. Much of what we eat must pass through our livers. As the liver breaks nutrients down, it also metabolizes toxic substances. In most cases, these toxins are cleared from the blood, then eliminated through bile or urine. At other times, they can become stored in fat.

In addition, each individual cell contains its own inherent protections from the daily stresses of simply living. These include powerful detoxification and antioxidant enzymes, which help maintain cellular integrity so that the cell may function appropriately.

Nutritional Cleansing

Our ancestors found ways to enhance many of the body’s internal detoxification and cleansing systems. These nutritional cleansing methods, which have been around for thousands of years, are only now beginning to be understood. A common practice was the use of fasting along with herbal teas or special botanicals. The reduced food intake would allow the body to purify itself through rest and renewal. Botanicals such as aloe gel, licorice root and ashwaghanda root contain bioactives that encourage detoxification within the liver and in the individual cells.
A cleansing lifestyle assists the liver, a primary detoxifier.

Nutritional cleansing assists the liver, a primary detoxifier.

Age-old traditions of nutritional cleansing have now been combined with modern technologies. Isagenix is a company that has achieved this task with Cleanse for Life™, a drink specialized to support the liver, the immune system and cellular health with vitamins, herbal teas and other botanical ingredients. The ingredients were chosen to help protect the body from daily pollutants and promote their detoxification.

As a dietary supplement, Cleanse for Life can be taken daily for nourishment to help deal with daily toxic load and stresses. Alternatively, when taken as guided in the Cleansing and Fat Burning System—a program rich in nutrition and low in calories—one can reap benefits of “deep cleansing” and a sound approach to weight management.

Balanced nutrition and nutritional cleansing are key strategies for coping with daily toxins, but there are others. Although there’s no way to avoid all toxins, one can reduce exposure as much as possible. It can be achieved by simple lifestyle changes such as choosing clean fruits and vegetables, drinking clean water, using non-toxic skin care and seeking out fresh air whenever possible.


Shrinking after stuffing

>> Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Isagenix Health

Shrinking After Stuffing: “Day After Thanksgiving” Cleanse
November 25, 2009 by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences
Cleansing the day after stuffing oneself can help keep the weight off.

Cleansing the day after stuffing oneself may help keep the weight off.

Happy Turkey Day! Thanksgiving is a time of tradition and that means gobbling up turkey, honey-baked ham, sweet potatoes and stuffing until you’re stuffed. What about all the extra calories? It’s a pitfall many of us fall into year after year. Not to worry, though—if you take a cue from a recent study, a Cleanse Day on Friday may just help.

Cleansing the day after feasting, in fact, may even put you right back on track to achieving all your health and weight loss goals.

The study, which was published in November’s issue of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, presented a diet plan in which obese subjects alternated between “feed days” and “fast days.” Each “feed day,” participants were allowed to eat normally, then on “fast days” they cut calories to only a quarter of their energy needs.

(Sound familiar? Feed days—like Isagenix Shake Days except without the high-quality, nutrient-dense IsaLean Shake®. Fast days—a bit like Isagenix Cleanse Days except without the detox-promoting, health-energizing herbal properties of Cleanse for Life™.)

After a total of eight weeks, the modified alternate-day fasting plan helped the subjects lose considerable weight. What’s more is that the participants also had significant drops in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Dr. Krista Varady, who led the study along with other University of Illinois at Chicago researchers, told us, “I was surprised by how low some of the numbers dropped. What really got me interested in alternate-day fasting was its potential in mice for reducing risk of cardiovascular disease. It’s never clear how these things translate to humans.”

Does she think the study shows one can eat to his or her heart’s content on one day as long as he or she doesn’t eat the next?

When asked, Dr. Varady offered this response, with some caution, “Yes, that’s the idea, but I think there is compensation on the ‘feed days’ as you continue. You’re shrinking the stomach on the ‘fast days’. By the time the ‘feed days’ come around, people are hungry, but they don’t eat as much.”

Dr. Varady explained that this feature of the program may be the reason why participants had a hard time the first couple of weeks, but soon after they “got the hang of it” and found it easy to do.

Does she think the dietary approach will be popular? She said, “I didn’t think people would do it, but a lot of people have now called me and said they’ve been doing it for years. I don’t know if it will have mass appeal, but we’re hoping it offers a viable solution for some people who could otherwise not lose weight.”

We also asked Dr. Varady what her thoughts were on Isagenix’s nutritional cleansing approach as it’s helped thousands lose weight including many who’ve lost more than 100 pounds.

She said, “Wow, the products and dietary approach sounds really interesting. My team hasn’t looked at something like that yet. We’ll have to discuss how to collaborate on research.”


Difference in Supplements

>> Friday, October 30, 2009

Are You Taking Quality Nutritional Supplements?
October 17, 2009 by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences

If you want only the best for your body, then you don’t want to be purchasing from a company that settles for junk, especially when they’re selling it to you for a premium. When choosing nutritional products, it’s important to know what’s considered quality.

The problem of companies not properly evaluating quality of ingredients becomes all the worse in an environment where saving money is what counts. Some companies will simply avoid analyzing their raw materials.

Continual quality analysis is ever important. Not only should companies test raw materials for possible contamination with microbes, pesticides and heavy metals, but also to determine their potency. After all, it’s the potency of each ingredient that ultimately determines whether or not a finished product will satisfy customer’s needs.

For example, if a supplier provides a raw material for a botanical that doesn’t meet specified potency, then it’s up to a responsible company whose sights are set on quality to reject the material. Sometimes companies don’t reject poor quality raw materials from suppliers, but even more shocking is that when companies do reject materials, those materials often don’t get disposed of or destroyed.

The rejected batches just end up going on to the next bidder—companies who sell stuff cheap. And the trash they sell is often never tested beyond the federal requirement of “fingerprinting” each botanical powder to make sure it really is what it is. Too often enough, unfortunately, some companies even avoid doing the fingerprinting. These same disreputables are also known for tainting their products making them even cheaper.

The integrity of a dietary supplement company must be maintained through a “no compromise” quality policy. Such a company is Isagenix, for example, which spends millions of dollars annually just on analysis of ingredients. Upon receipt of raw materials, they are immediately quarantined and thoroughly inspected. The materials then go through rigorous tests for safety and purity. The company requires industry-standard evaluation methods to determine potency of each ingredient.

Only after full testing of ingredients does Isagenix allow finished products to be manufactured. They are only produced in facilities that meet and exceed Good Manufacturing Practices and are regularly audited by third-party qualified organizations. As if that wasn’t enough, the company goes the extra mile. To make sure that products are effective, Isagenix is one of the only companies in the world that has all finished products re-inspected and re-analyzed.

Why does Isagenix go through all the trouble and expense to do double-testing? To make sure every finished product will really achieve real end-results.


Get off the blood sugar Rollar Coaster

>> Monday, October 19, 2009

Get Off The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster Naturally
October 10, 2009 by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences

green tea and cinnamonMaybe you had a big lunch, ate that side of mashed potatoes, washed it all down with a Coke. For dessert, maybe you had just a cookie. Should be more than enough calories to last ‘til dinner. But what happens by early afternoon? Crash! Energy drains out you like water from a sink. So it’s back to the vending machine. More calories and more sugar to last you only a few more hours. By the end of the workday, and despite an extra cup of coffee (with extra cream and sugar), you’re yawning again.

We’ve all been there. This is bad blood sugar management at its worst. And where do all those extra carbs go? To belly bulge, no doubt thanks to insulin. Insulin is the hormone that stimulates uptake of blood sugar (glucose) into tissues and the hormone that sends excess dietary sugar straight to be produced into fat.

How can you get your body under control so you can have lasting energy and also lose weight? No special drugs or treatments needed. Here are five natural ways to keep blood sugar in check.

Exercise to sensitize. Being active can have drastic effects on insulin sensitivity and blood sugar management. In fact, according to the American Diabetes Association, just one intense workout may lower blood glucose levels for hours. For consistent blood sugar control, however, regular exercise is best. Just 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise can help improve blood sugar levels long term.

Eat balanced meals. When you eat meals, it’s the carbohydrates that are broken down and absorbed that raise blood sugar (glucose). Getting too much too quickly can cause glucose levels to spike. Then, after insulin kicks in, glucose takes a nosedive. But combining carbs with proteins, fats and fiber can help provide you with only gradual, manageable rises of blood sugar. An example of a nutritionally balanced meal is Isagenix® IsaLean Shake.

Stick to low-glycemic carbs. Glycemic index is a measure of how quickly a meal with carbs raises blood sugar. Proteins and fats serve to lower glycemic index of a meal, but fiber itself lowers glycemic index of carbs. “Good” carbs, as are called those low in glycemic index, include whole grains and high-fiber vegetables while “bad” carbs, those high in glycemic index, include white bread and mashed potatoes.

Use soluble fiber to solve blood sugar woes. Soluble fiber absorbs water and becomes gelatinous slowing the time that food leaves the stomach, which lowers glycemic response for better blood sugar control. Great sources of soluble fiber are oats such as found in Isagenix® SlimCakes®. And, according to a 2006 study in Diabetes Care, you may even have a greater effect on stabilizing blood sugar levels by combining soluble fiber from oats with resistant starch such as found in Isagenix® FiberPro.

Keep amount of carbs low per meal. Carbs are the body’s main fuel source, but lowering glycemic load by limiting carbs to less than 30g-45g total carbs can keep blood sugar from rising too high. Some experts even suggest breaking up breakfast, lunch and dinner into smaller meals spread throughout the day. For example, IsaLean Shake can be taken into two servings for two smaller meals (1 scoop in 4 oz) three hours apart and followed by smaller balanced meals high in fiber three hours apart.

Take control with chromium and cinnamon. Getting sufficient chromium in your diet can help you better maintain appropriate blood sugar levels. And, if you must have dessert, try sprinkling on plenty of cinnamon. Both chromium and cinnamon appear to potentiate insulin activity. To get enough with each meal, consider taking a high-quality supplement such as Isagenix® Natural Accelerator™.

Replace high-sugar sodas with green tea. Not only will you eliminate a lot of carbs, but you’ll be getting antioxidants called catechins such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). New research from National Institutes of Health suggests EGCG may help blood sugar management. ECGC appears to enhance vascular flow by improving delivery of glucose to tissues as well as by improving insulin activity. For optimal benefits, drink plenty of green tea throughout the day, or try supplementing with ECGC found in Isagenix® Natural Accelerator™ and Isagenix® Antioxidants.


No doubt about it,....We have depleted our foods

>> Wednesday, October 14, 2009

September 25th, 2008 by Chatelaine Mahler

No doubt about it … we have depleted our foods. Do you know that to get the same amount of nutrients you used to get from one head of lettuce in 1930, you’d need to eat 10 wheel barrows full!? How about an apple? If you ate an apple in 1976, you’d need to eat 12 apples today to get the same benefits. Astounding, right?
organic lettuce

Well, it is. But that’s only one piece of the problem. We now rush to health food stores and buy our organic fruit and vegetables! Well … wait a minute! Organic is no longer part of our world … they get rained on with toxic jet fuel! Some recent research showed 72 chemicals on organic lettuce!

The best of all is jet fuel being found in breast milk.

Okay, you may think this is way over the top. This few examples of the huge nutrition problem we find ourselves in is part of a long keynote address given by Peter Greenlaw a few weeks ago. At the date of this post, we do not have the actual backup research information, but we will get it. In the meantime, know that Peter Greenlaw is a trusted source for us.

People, it’s time to wake up! Our bodies are super toxic! This is why we advocate nutritional cleansing with Isagenix superfoods. Cleansing once a week or 2-3 times per month is the answer to our problem. Nutritional cleansing is about “cell” cleansing, not “colon” cleansing. Big difference. Although we agree that colon cleansing is a good practice, it will not eliminate toxicity from your cells - nutritional cleansing will.
Your body is the miracle - give it what it needs!


Avoiding Poisoned Apples

>> Tuesday, September 22, 2009

July 20, 2009 by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences

No need to watch out for evil witches; a tempting Red Delicious containing toxic chemicals such as pesticides may be lurking even at your nearest grocery store, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG).

The group has been an advocate about educating the public about exposure to toxins since 1993. One of there most popular publications is the Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in which they rank pesticide contamination for 47 popular fruits and vegetables according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration.

Effects of pesticides on health are a matter of controversy, but EWG has questioned safety data because of the design of these chemicals to “kill living organisms”. The group also cites links to carcinogenic effects and other toxic effects on the nervous system and endocrine system as well as possible irritation to skin, eyes and lungs.

Knowing which fruits and vegetables to avoid or buy organic is important for reducing the body’s exposure to pesticides. In fact, EWG suggests that about 80 percent of exposure can be avoided by simply avoiding the top “dirty dozen”, as EWG calls them. Here they are:

* Peaches
* Apples
* Sweet Bell Peppers
* Celery
* Nectarines
* Strawberries
* Cherries
* Kale
* Lettuce
* Grapes – Imported
* Carrots
* Pears

Should you simply buy all your fruits and vegetables organic? Not necessarily. According to EWG, the “Clean 15″ at the bottom of the pesticide list are nothing to worry about:

* Onions
* Avocado
* Sweet Corn
* Pineapple
* Mango
* Asparagus
* Sweet Peas
* Kiwi
* Cabbage
* Eggplant
* Papaya
* Watermelon
* Broccoli
* Tomato
* Sweet Potato

David Despain
Manager of Technical Projects, Nutritional Sciences
Science Editor, Isagenix Health and Wellness Blog


Cancer Update

>> Sunday, September 20, 2009

Government bodies, Health Canada and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are both taking steps on reducing amounts of acrylamide in food.

A Canadian ruling added the known carcinogen to the nation’s list of toxic substances and FDA has suggested it will soon issue guidance to the food industry for reducing acrylamide amounts in food.

FDA has requested comment from the food industry by November.

Formation of acrylamide in food occurs when sugars react with the amino acid asparagine when exposed to high heat. The amount of acrylamide can depend on how long the food is exposed to the elevated temperatures.

Acrylamide is found mainly in baked or fried starchy foods such as French fries, potato chips, and cereals. It’s also found in coffee in amounts depending on how long it’s roasted—choose a light roast!

Industrial plastics, grout, some cosmetics and cigarette smoke also contain acrylamide.

In animal studies, acrylamide has been shown to increase risk of neurological problems and brain cancer. Not enough research exists to determine if acrylamide can cause cancer in humans.

Acrylamide first made headlines in 2002 when Swedish scientists discovered unexpected levels of in starchy foods. Some high-starch fried potato foods had 600 times the level normally allowed in drinking water—are you sure you want fries with that order?

The chemical made more waves in 2005 when California regulators proposed that warnings be placed on labels of products containing higher than normal levels of acrylamide. These proposals were withdrawn in 2006 after the food industry consented to reduce amounts in these foods.

Promising methods of reducing acrylamide formation in foods are treatment with asparagine-reducing enzymes or by soaking foods in antioxidants such as from green tea or bamboo leaves.
ISAGENIX Healthhttp://www.isagenixhealth.net/?p=364



>> Tuesday, September 15, 2009

August 27, 2009 by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences

Couple In LoveAfter gastric bypass or lap-band surgery, proper nutrition is as important as ever. When using Isagenix products, here are a few things you should know.

You can take full advantage of the nutrients provided by Isagenix products as long as the products chosen adhere to the dietary guidelines given by your doctor.

See the following sample guidelines:

Lap-Band Surgery Sample Dietary Guidelines

* 800 calories per day for first 2-3 years, then 1000-1200 calories per day
* eat protein-rich foods
* certain fibrous, dry, or doughy foods can get stuck if eaten
* high carbohydrate and high calorie intake will defeat weight loss attempts
* drink 6-8 cups of water a day between meals
* avoid carbonated drinks
* eat 3 small meals a day
* avoid snacking
* no drinking with meals
* eat slowly and chew food thoroughly

Gastric Bypass Surgery Sample Dietary GuidelinesIn the first three months after gastric bypass surgery, diet will be restricted to liquids, purees and soft foods. Afterward, the following guidelines are generally given:

* 800 calories per day for first 1-2 years, then 1000-1200 calories per day
* eat protein-rich foods
* avoid intake of sugar and fats or Dumping Syndrome occurs
* high carbohydrate and high calorie intake will defeat weight loss attempts
* drink 6-8 cups of water per day between meals
* avoid carbonated drinks
* eat small amounts
* avoid snacking
* no drinking with meals
* eat and drink slowly
* chew food thoroughly

(Reference: http://www.wlshelp.com/lap-band-gastric-bypass.html)

While many of our products can help serve your nutritional needs after surgery, we encourage you make special considerations for impaired protein, vitamin B12 and mineral absorption. Products to consider would be IsaLean Shake (in small serving sizes) for its high content of protein and balanced nutrition, Essentials for Women/Men for minerals and vitamin B12, and IsaCalcium for calcium in form of lactate-gluconate. Please note that Isagenix does not carry iron supplements due to varying individual needs; however, women may need to supplementat with iron after surgery.


Stomach Issues

>> Sunday, September 13, 2009

What’s Good Nutrition When I Have a Bothersome Gut?

Xray of an IntestineBloating, belly aches and bathroom runs aren’t all of what’s vexing about living with a bowel disorder—just as inconvenient is the nutritional drain that may arise from troubles with digestion and absorption of food nutrients.

Health starts in the gut, after all.

Guidance from a health professional such as a physician or nutritionist is best for evaluating possible medical treatments and dietary needs for every unique situation, whether as common as irritable bowel syndrome or as serious as inflammatory bowel disease and diverticulitis.

However, food choices ultimately end up being in your hands—the consumer—and knowing a few facts about how a problem gut can affect your nutrition can go a long way to support your current and future health.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Food can feel like the enemy when you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Just thinking of food or chewing it, which causes gut hormones to be released, can potentially aggravate symptoms like belly aches and diarrhea.

Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or an antidiarrheal to help you with avoiding symptoms. In addition, he or she may suggest soluble fiber.

Soluble fiber, according to a recent study in the British Medical Journal, may in fact be one of the most promising dietary aids for helping patients. Soluble fiber is thought to work because it binds to fat and slows stomach emptying. Best sources are oats, psyllium hulls, flax seed, fruits and vegetables.

Prebiotics—indigestible nutrients in fruits and vegetables that are not unlike soluble fiber—may be of greater support if you are on antibiotics or coming off of them. Prebiotics are a fuel for “good” bacteria and help your colon populate healthy flora.

As we increase the “good” bacteria, there are less “bad” bacteria residing in our gut (large intestine) and together these changes are associated with helping overall immune function. The “good bacteria” may also help with normalizing bowel movements and improving absorption of certain food nutrients such as minerals.

If you suffer from IBS, you may also need to avoid certain dietary fibers. According to the International

Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
, for example, too much insoluble fiber from cereal grains can potentially worsen gas and bloating.

Foods high in fat (except fatty fish) or high in sugar also should be avoided. They can bring on those especially painful gut reactions. Fast foods can be the worst offenders. When a typical hamburger and medium fries deliver 26 grams of fat (mostly saturated) and its accompanying soda contains 43 grams of sugar, then it’s time to say “no!”

One of the exceptions to the “avoid high-fat” rule may be fatty fish high in omega-3 fatty acids because of possible anti-inflammatory benefits, but these “good fats” should still be used with caution and increased gradually.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Be sure not to confuse IBS with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Yes, they have similar symptoms, but IBD, which includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, are characterized by inflammation.

Inflammation in both Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis can produce cramping and diarrhea.

Ulcerative colitis, which occurs when the immune system attacks the colon, is accompanied with significant rectal bleeding.

How do you get IBD? The likelihood is largely based on genetics, but may also be influenced by bacterial or viral infection as well as by diet and habits such as smoking.

For Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, appropriate medical treatment is required, and may include anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-diarrheals and antibiotics.

Malnutrition can be a concern because of poor intestinal digestion, diarrhea and blood loss that may occur in those with IBD.

For these reasons, your doctor may recommend a diet high in protein and the regular use of vitamin (especially vitamin B12) and mineral supplements.

As a complementary therapy, Mayo Clinic also suggests supplementation with prebiotic soluble fiber, probiotics and fish oil.

The newest research on IBD suggests that antioxidants may also be helpful. According to Susie Rockway, Ph.D.,

Isagenix Director of Nutritional Sciences, “Dietary antioxidants may have a protective role in the gut by helping to neutralize oxidative stress that leads to tissue damage.”

Oxidative stress is representative of poor balance between free radical production from inflammation and antioxidant depletion in the intestines during Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

The main antioxidants studied in the gut are vitamins C and E, glutathione, zinc and selenium.


Another cause of inflammation can manifest from diverticulitis, which occurs when small, bulging pouches (diverticula) in the colon are inflamed or infected. Diverticulitis can be a source of severe abdominal pain that is often accompanied by fever, nausea, constipation or diarrhea.

After an attack of diverticulitis, early medical treatment may often include antibiotics accompanied by a low-fiber diet until symptoms subside. Slowing progression of diverticulitis, according to Mayo Clinic, can then depend on the amount of fiber one eats daily.

Experts suggest meeting the recommended dietary intake of 25-30 grams of fiber, drinking plenty of water and exercising daily. All of these factors assist in lowering luminal pressure in the colon, which help to act against formation of diverticula.

If you’re currently on a low-fiber diet, be cautious of switching to a high-fiber diet overnight. The sudden change could stimulate a high amount of gas production that can lead to forceful diarrhea. It’s always best to make gradual changes in fiber intake.

Recent studies also suggest a link between obesity and diverticulitis that may be related to fat intake and lack of regular exercise, although fiber intake may also represent a variable.

Thus, effective weight management could help to decrease risk of diverticulitis.

Your doctor may also recommend probiotics and prebiotics if you are taking antibiotics and a supplement of vitamins and minerals to help avoid nutritional deficiencies that may occur because of intestinal damage.

“The world is being changed by the discovery of fish oil benefits and Isagenix is at the forefront of this research,” says Isagenix Chief Science Officer Bill Wheeler. “Not only does IsaOmega Supreme™ reflect the findings of more than 900 clinical trials, but it’s also produced using advanced technology, offering one of the most concentrated sources of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids available.”


About Us

Isagenix® is the World Leader in Nutritional Cleansing. We are dedicated to developing revolutionary products to impact world health to free people from physical and financial pain.

Since its founding in 2002, Isagenix has created a perfect combination of innovation, experience and vision that has made it one of the fastest growing companies in North America!

  • Revolutionary Products
  • Innovative and Inclusive Product Systems
  • Experienced Leadership
  • Generous business compensation plan

“With its “no-compromise” approach to quality, Isagenix is changing the lives of people dramatically—and blazing a trail to rapid growth.”

Your Business at Home, October 2006ˆ

© Copyright 2009, Isagenix International, LLC. All Rights R


Diabetes and Isagenix

>> Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What to Know If You Have Type 2 Diabetes

healthy_learningUnderstanding how to take care of your health becomes even more critical when you have type 2 diabetes mellitus, but a recently published national study in the U.S. found that most patients with the disorder were not adequately meeting nutritional recommendations.

The intent of the study was to find out what dietary factors were causing people with type 2 diabetes to become overweight. After surveying more than 2,500 people with type 2 diabetes, the researchers found that 93 percent ate too much, ate foods that were lacking in nutrition, and did not eat recommended amounts of nutrient-dense foods such as fruits and vegetables.

The study was performed by researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and published in the August issue of Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

Diabetes Link to Weight

Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by elevated blood levels of sugar (glucose) and the body’s inability to metabolize it properly. To metabolize glucose, the body requires the hormone insulin secreted by the pancreas for uptake of glucose into muscle and adipose (fat) cells.

There are two different types of diabetes mellitus. Type 1 diabetes, or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, is an autoimmune disease that is attributed to failure of the pancreas to secrete sufficient insulin. Type 2 diabetes, which affects 80-90% of those with diabetes, is hallmarked by insulin resistance that manifests into the disorder when the pancreas can longer produce enough insulin to compensate for elevated glucose levels in the blood stream.

More and more research is linking insulin resistance to excess body fat, especially the kind that’s on your belly. The excess fat in fat cells can affect genetic encoding that controls the uptake of insulin while also releasing chemicals that interfere with insulin signaling and cause inflammation. The American Diabetes Association suggests losing weight to help manage type 2 diabetes.

Diet and Nutrition

Unlike type 1 diabetes, which requires daily insulin injections for treatment, type 2 diabetes can respond to dietary changes. But given the study’s results, those with type 2 diabetes need more education about diet and exercise and how they can affect them ultimately.

Dietary recommendations should include meals that are nutrient dense, low in saturated fat, low in carbs, and high in fiber. A high-quality meal may include lean meats, fruits and vegetables, certain low-fat dairy products, whole-grains and quality meal-replacement shakes or nutritional foods.mediterranean2

Just recently, an Italian study found that a low-carbohydrate Mediterranean-style diet may be more effective than a low-fat diet for maintaining glycemic control. The results are thought to be related to amounts of monounsaturated fats such as from olive oil.

Glycemic Control

The most important factor for preventing complications is to keep blood sugars in check, according to the American Diabetes Association. Adhering to foods that are lower in glycemic index and glycemic load help to best maintain glycemic control. These measure how quickly a food raises glucose levels in the blood stream and how high those glucose levels rise.

The glycemic index measure can be influenced by the amount of fiber, fats and other nutrients in a meal. Processed foods or juices generally have a higher glycemic index than non-processed foods. For example, white rice, mashed potatoes and orange juice have higher glycemic indexes than brown rice, baked potatoes and whole oranges.

“Carb counting” is used to lower glycemic load. The more carbohydrates eaten during a meal, the greater the glycemic load and its affects on blood glucose. Diets lower in carbohydrates have been recently linked to better control of blood glucose levels, although it’s important to note that carbohydrates should not be cut out entirely. They are the main source of fuel to the body, especially the brain.


Physical activity recommendations should reflect the latest findings on what helps to control type 2 diabetes. The research is now showing that best results are attributed to regular strength training along with aerobic exercise (except when glucose levels are very high). Both types of exercise synergistically help the body to burn excess fat and improve insulin sensitivity.

According to the American Diabetes Association, exercise is all about being safe and overcoming one’s own exercise barriers. If you’ve haven’t hit the treadmill in a while, be sure to talk to a health-care professional on how to best start again. Then set goals and, most importantly, enjoy staying healthy!


Cancer Prevention tips

>> Thursday, September 3, 2009

I put togehter a compilation of information to assist all of you Isa warriors in preventing cancer or at least in doing as much as you can to build your immune system and fight free radicals in our system.
The following is an exert from a world leading Oncologist and nutritional Physician:
Dr. Mitchell Gaynor taken from his book; Cancer prevention program

"I am well aware that Americans have an ingrained skepticism about the idea that the things we eat can make a major difference in the incidence rates of such a powerful disease as cancer. It sometimes is
hard to believe that a nutritional approach can really make that much of a difference, if it was so -wouldn't our Physicians have mentioned something? Now scientists know without any doubt that diet is probably the biggest single influence on cancer. We have thousands of medical studies that support this conclusion.
As a living creature you are subject to both internal and external poisoning. You suffer a considerable degree of toxic damage just from living your life. This places an enormous physical stress on our bodies as you encounter viruses, toxins, and inflammatory agents on a daily basis. Your body must deal with these marauders quickly and efficiently.
In many people, this protective process fails, but I believe, and there is strong evidence proving that what we do for ourselves nutritional can help us stay cancer free."

Here is where I believe Isagenix and great nutrition can benefit all of us: Dr. Gaynor recommends that you eat 7 to 8 servings of greens and a fruit a day, the American Cancer society has stated the same. Have you ever tried to eat that much in one day? He has stated that fruits and phyto-nutrient are extremely important in fighting free radicals that cause cancer.

  • Phytonutrients; Our Isa Greens provide essential phyto-nutritients to our diet.
  • Isa fruits; = 30 servings of the highest anti-oxidant fruits available in one scoop. The Greens and the Fruits like our shakes become live food once water is added. This is very powerful nutrition.
    Adding a scoop of these to your shake each day covers your daily requirements. Obviously it is advised to have several other servings of fresh vegetables a day. Fruits, cabbage, greens, radishes, tomato based products and carotenoids should all be added to your daily and weekly diet.
  • Cleansing; Cleansing is one of the most powerful tools we have with Isagenix.,This is the only cleanse that works on a deep cellular level, working on the lymphatic’s, liver, blood, kidneys and even goes past the blood brain barrier to remove heavy metals in our brain. Your major filter for your body is the liver. It is working triple time to keep our bodies free of toxins as we pull in pollutants from all sources, alcohol, pesticides on our foods, air we breathe, water we drink and products absorbed through the skin. It's simply too much for our bodies to handle anymore and it now needs assistance. Putting 2 ounces of cleanse in your body twice a day is like magic, if your body could talk it would say a hearty "Thank You!". Everyone optimally should do an all day cleanse or the very deepest cleanse, 2 days back to back. But do not skip Cleansing on a regular basis.
  • Isa shakes; Have the most beautiful un-denatured whey from New Zealand where the cows are treated with great care and are grass feed in rolling pastures .No antibiotics or hormones are ever used. It is very pure (grade 7)and highly absorbed in our bodies. Whey protein also has amounts of glutathione and L-cysteine. That is a major antioxidant that is used in tissues throughout the body. One shake has a complete amino acid profile, organic carbs in just the right amount to convert to glycerin to feed the brain and omegas for heart health and cancer prevention.. .
  • Ionix Supreme: 274 earth minerals and enzymes that our bodies are desperately missing as our soils are so depleted. This is a must have for everyone over 18. It has many adaptagens that are crucial in building a strong immune system, excellent for stress, great for enhancing libido, hair, skin and nails. One of the most unique drinks on the planet.

Below are some of the supplements that Dr. Gaynor recommends:

Vitamin A: Wonderful aid against Lung cancer,
but if you already smoke you should avoid this vitamin. 10,000 International units daily.
Vitamin B: The B panel is extensive, you need all of them in your diet, and they often work together. But one that Dr. Gaynor signals out is the B12. This vitamin is usually low in smokers and offers protection to smokers. Folic acid alone suggests that it is probably protective against a wide variety of cancers. Low levels are associated with increased risk of cervix, colon, rectum, lung, esophagus, and brain. Isagenix Want more energy contains all the B vitamins, enzymes and electrolytes. I put this is my morning shake and I am so full of wonderful energy. I recommend this to every one.
Vitamin C: It is an amazing cancer fighter, powerful protection against cardiovascular disease, and helps protect us from the effects of pollution. Isagenix (of course) has awesome C

Vitamin D:This vitamin protects against prostate cancer, colon cancer and is a powerful immune booster. The men's and women's Essentials have all the basics vitamins that your body requires and offers great prostate protection for men.

Vitamin E:
This strong anti-oxidant travels where most others cannot go. It delivers on site protection. It is a great friend to your immune system. 200 to 400 International units daily.
Coenzyme CoQ10: Vigorous anti-oxidant 30 to 100 milligrams daily with food. (Do not take if you are on blood thinner)
Omegas: Integral for heart health and an excellent cancer fighter. Isa Omegas are the purest Omegas, 3rd party tested for extreme pureness. 2 Isa Omegas a day.
Soy: Premier cancer fighter; 8 ozs of soy daily or 500 to 1000 milligrams soy iso-flavonied daily.
Amino Acids: Overall health and cancer fighters. We get a complete panel of amino acids in our Isalean shake.
Isagenixs has a powerful antioxidant supplement that I take with the Essentials. Instead of buying each vitamin separately..

Avoid the obvious; smoking, taking in excessive caffeine, nitrites in foods, overly processed foods, chemical sugars, soda pop, red meat, alcohol should be only in moderation. 2 drinks a day and preferably red wine.
Things you need to incorporate:

  1. Exercising at least 4 days a week, include resistance exercise for bones and overall health.
  2. Drinking pure water throughout the day,(rule of thumb, every 15 minutes.) Dehydration affects every part of your body, especially the brain.
  3. Cleansing to remove toxins and heavy metals. (Ask me how to put this into your everyday routine.)
  4. Eating fruits and vegetables every day.
  5. Laughing. It is actually wonderful for your immune system. So laugh every day!


Nutritional Cleansing

>> Wednesday, September 2, 2009

YumbuLhakhang PalaceSituated at the summit of an auspicious mountain is the glorious Yumbulagang palace, the oldest palace in Tibet, with more than 2,000 years of history as a spiritual and healing center for kings and Dalai Lamas. Nowadays the palace is still a sanctuary for Buddhist monks and travelers alike who hope to take in the sublime views of the landscape below. The surrounding valley is so pristine and beautiful that legend has it that drinking water from a perennial spring found there will cure any disease.

You could say the palace is an ultimate place of purification where one can drink in pure spring water, breathe in pure air and enjoy health-giving foods grown from the nutrient-rich earth in the region. If you happen to be a monk living there, then you probably don’t need nutritional cleansing.

As for the rest of us, we live in a completely different world. In our daily lives our bodies are under constant onslaught of stressors that come in the form of pollutants—via food, water and air—from a poor diet, and from the stress of busy schedules, conflict and strain at work, conflict in relationships, and even conflict in traffic. There’s little doubt that traditional nutritional thinking won’t cover our needs. We need extra help for helping us guard our bodies, help us to detoxify and to lose weight.

Now, there is plenty of reason to be leery of claims regarding safe, long-term weight loss and optimum health after being subjected to hundreds of “miracle” fad diets over the years. Whenever I hear about someone who has lost a lot of weight and has kept it off for longer than a few months with little effort, I’m the first to find the story just a little too hard to believe.

I know also that I receive a variety of e-mails questioning the need for nutritional cleansing. Most come from high skepticism because the simple fact is that “most diets don’t work.” But just as you may have discovered since trying nutritional cleansing, the whole-system approach that Isagenix provides does work, and it contains the right nutrients and botanicals given at the right time for maximum support to the body.

Ask a Tibetan monk about health and he’d tell you that you mustn’t lose faith in the body’s capability to produce miracles. Isagenix may not be exactly a miracle—the system was created with careful research and design—but just ask anyone who has witnessed or experienced his or her own success story and you might just agree Isagenix is a phenomenon. And, we have it to share with the world.

Bill Wheeler, Ph.D., ACSM
Isagenix Chief Science Officer



>> Sunday, August 30, 2009

July 24, 2009 by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences

Dairy proteins promote muscle growth along with exercise.

Muscle building is not just for the bodybuilder or athletes. We should all be interested in the amount of muscle mass we have because it’s important for overall health, for our immune system and for how much fat we’ll burn on a daily basis—yes, muscle burns fat!

For muscle growth to happen (muscle hypertrophy), your body depends on protein synthesis. Not only does protein synthesis have to occur, but it has to exceed protein breakdown. Protein breakdown occurs continuously as a normal biological process—after exercise, in particular, there is an increase in this breakdown called catabolism. Unfortunately, breakdown on a daily basis accelerates as we grow older. So, to increase muscle mass—and we’re really concerned with skeletal muscle mass—there are a few hurdles we must consider.

First, we know the best way to create muscle growth is to be in an “anabolic” state—that means providing our muscles with an environment to grow! Resistance exercise (weight lifting) is by far the most effective way to stimulate hypertrophy. But is that it? No! In the absence of food we would not overcome the negative protein balance—the interaction of exercise and nutrients on muscle protein metabolism is the key to success.

Amino acids must be available to the muscles to give them the building blocks for making protein. We must have these amino acids available at the right time for protein synthesis. In fact, one amino acid, leucine, can stimulate synthesis independent of its structural role. To maximize muscle protein anabolism, then, we know that resistance exercise results in a positive protein balance when food intake follows within a few hours after exercising. This is prime time anabolism!

The type of protein consumed does affect outcome, according to recent evidence. We know that digestive properties of proteins will influence the time it takes to break down (digest) the protein for absorption of amino acids to reach the blood stream.

Dairy proteins casein and whey each present properties that can serve muscle growth. Casein clots in the stomach and slowly releases into the small intestine where absorption of amino acids and peptides occur. Whey proteins and other proteins are still soluble in the stomach (low acid and watery environment) and are quickly released into the small intestine where they are digested and absorbed. The whey amino acids, then, will appear faster than casein and be available for muscle protein synthesis. Casein will digest slower and appear in the blood later keeping blood levels of amino acids elevated.

At the same time a unique stimulus is occurring. Whey proteins have the highest levels of branched-chain amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, and valine) than any other protein source. This is a key differentiating attribute of whey that provides another trigger for protein synthesis to occur in muscles.

Basic knowledge of protein make-up, digestion and ability to stimulate protein synthesis in muscles has been the cornerstone of Isagenix IsaLean Shake formulations. We’ve combined the best physiological attributes of whey and casein proteins to synergistically maximize the ability to increase muscle mass.

Understanding the ability of dietary proteins to increase satiety—feelings of fullness—provides further benefits of the IsaLean Shake, but that’s for another article. Stay tuned!

Susie Rockway, Ph.D., CNS
Isagenix Director of Nutritional Sciences


>> Saturday, August 29, 2009

uly 24, 2009 by Isagenix Nutritional Sciences

woman_scaleWeight-loss plateaus happen. If they didn’t, we’d be worried. But here are a few suggestions you can use to support continued success.

Exercise. Exercise can boost your results ten-fold, especially if it includes weight training. Not only will weight training help you build lean muscle, which helps burn fat, but it can also help strengthen bones. Be sure to consult a health-care professional before starting any exercise program.

Extra protein. A scoop of IsaPro with 1-1½ scoops of IsaLean Shake may be sufficient to provide an extra boost for supporting weight loss.
Snack right. We all snack. Just avoid snacking on high-calorie, nutrient-deficient foods. In other words, keep the cake, potato chips and ice cream out of the house.

Make “better bad” eating choices. If you’re out at a fast food restaurant and a greasy burger is calling your name, just choose a single-patty with lettuce and tomato and hold the cheese and mayo.

Dietary fiber. Be sure you are receiving sufficient amounts of dietary fiber daily. Fiber helps keep you feeling satisfied longer while also keeping bowel movements regular. Isagenix recommends gradually increasing fiber to 25-30 grams daily, in line with current National Fiber Council recommendations. Isagenix products FiberPro and

Weight loss success is often about making better choices.

Weight loss success is often about making better choices.

SlimCakes can help fill fiber gaps. FiberPro is a flavorless fiber supplement that can be added to shakes or any beverage. SlimCakes are delicious oatmeal-berry flavored cookies containing 5 grams of fiber each.

Avoid sugary drinks. These can add “no nutrition” calories quickly. It’s best to drink plenty of purified water and/or nutrient-dense sugar drink alternatives such as IsaFruits.

Say no to “bad” fats. The “bad” includes saturated and trans fats. “Good” fats include olive oil rich in oleic acid and fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids. To take ultimate advantage of omega-3 fatty acids, it’s best to take a high-potency, high-quality fish oil supplement daily. New research also shows that dietary omega-3 fatty acids may be linked to lower bodyweight.

Mix it up. We all have individual differences. Something that may work for one person may not work for the next. Be sure to try a few different things and see what works best for you.

Whatever you do, it’s important that you don’t become discouraged. Shoot all scales. Pay attention to your body. As you continue to enjoy a reduced-calorie diet, providing your body with quality nutrition, and building muscle through exercise, then the weight will begin to come off safely.

Bill Wheeler, Ph.D., ACSM
Isagenix Chief Science Officer


We are what we eat!

>> Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We all are a sum total of what we eat, drink, breath, soak in our skin, and what we think. We need to guard each of these avenues into our bodies as through our very life depends on it, because it does. We face the ever-increasing challenge of getting all the building blocks our body requires because of the depletion in our soil from commercial farming.
Here is what sets Isagenix apart from all other major nutritional programs and products are the following:

  • A true full body cleanse- Assists the body to remove harmful substances from the major filters in the body, but individual cells-all 60 trillion of them. There is nothing out there like this
  • All the essential necessary building bl9ocks from organic sources. Also included the missing organic minerals.
  • A plant- based, live enzyme transport system. It is these enzymes that carry the important nutrients into the body.
  • A SUPERIOR whey-protein imported from New Zealand and Australia with the perfect amino acid profile, giving you all the essential building blocks to protect and build lean body tissue, including your heart, lungs, liver and muscles.
  • It is low-calorie and has a low glycemic profile, making it a perfect food for burning unwanted calories stored in fat cells. Unwanted pounds are safely lost as energy to be burned in the muscles.
Isagenix is not a medicine, nor is it a cure for any illness. It is a superior food that supplies the body with its needs. It is safe and doctor-recommended. It is cost effective and tastes great, it has made a huge difference in my health and the health of thousands of people.

To your best health ever!

Mr. Jim Rhoades


Isagenix Victory - Life victory

Our submission this week comes from an amazing lady out in Nelson, BC. Joani is truly an inspiration to us all.

My Story by Joani Trickett
Joani Before IsagenixJoani with Isagenix (85 pounds down)
Picture 1- Jan. 2009- down 50 pounds
Picture 2 -June 2009 -down 85 pounds!

Joani Trickett
Nelson BC, Canada
Goal: To lose 100 lb by convention
Target:175 lb on August 8th, 2009

My name is Joani Trickett, and I'm a fighter! I have fought with addictions for many years: smoking, alcohol and drugs, and have overcome all but one - my addiction to food. All my life I have been ridiculed about my weight. In high school I was teased so much about my weight that I dropped out, but went back to complete college as a mature student.

In September 2008 I was not only grossly obese, but suffering from a number of weight-related conditions. I have always been very active in my community, but hobbled along in great discomfort all day long. My life was going down hill very quickly. I knew I was at risk of serious disability or worse. I finally got honest with myself and admitted that most of my problems stemmed from my weight and the extra load I was putting on my body. I had tried everything. I was even on the list for a gastric bi-pass surgery. I felt I was at the end of my rope and needed to do something right away.

I don't know how it happened, but a phone number caught my eye in a local health directory. I called immediately, left a message, thinking to myself, "This is another dead end!" Well, to my surprise, I got a call back right away. It was Nancy. She has since become my very good friend and coach. I told her this was my last hope. I warned her that I was skeptical. In my experience, most programs worked for a little while, but I would slip, or over eat and fail again.

Nancy told me about Isagenix and was confident that it would help me provided I followed the program and accepted her support. When she asked me how much weight I wanted to lose, I answered, "5 pounds." I explained that I needed to succeed, so if I had a small goal, I could accomplish it and feel successful. And successful I have been. I have lost 85 pounds in 10 months. My goal is to reach the '100 Pound Club' by Celebration.

It hasn't been easy. I am the President of the Rod and Gun Club and active in several local organizations. I plan dinners and socials almost every weekend. I had to face my demons head on and admit that I had out-of-control food cravings! Although I have had my challenges and slips along the way, with Isagenix it has been easy to get back on track.

My life has changed dramatically over the past 10 months! This Christmas I danced with my husband for the first time in 12 years! I can now get into the boat to go fishing without any help. I was so large I couldn't fit into the driver's seat of my grandson's jeep. Today I own one! I walk every day and swim in the winter at the town pool. I feel better than I have for years and, at 68, I have a new lease on life! Thank you Isagenix!

Lesslee Ann Belmore
Nutritional Cleansing and Lifestyle Coach
Isagenix International



>> Monday, June 1, 2009

This is the phenomenon that takes place as soon as I become smitten with a new guy, and trust me that doesn't happen too often. But when it does, look out- every room in my brain is rented. The brain cells are working overtime with that crazy imagination of mine.

You can't go anywhere without your brain, I've tried it and it doesn't work! So you have this pleasurable, yet highly annoying thought pattern that won't give up. When you exercise, you think about that kiss, when you cook dinner you think about that smile, when you try and go to sleep you think about everything in-between. Yikes!

It is enough to drive you crazy, cause I am not getting anything done and my world still needs me in it- to run it.

So, I've devised a plan, actually a schedule that will give me free time with my new guy in my brain for 2 hours everyday. That's it. I schedule time to think only of him and in that wonderful imagination of mine, we can travel, kiss until our mouths fall off, have dinner anywhere and do the things that lovers do. But when the buzzer goes off, then back to reality and productivity. .

Its a relief when things return to some normalcy, , but what fun that ride is while
it lasts! You never know when you will feel that way again.


Great Night in Ann Arbor!

>> Monday, May 25, 2009

Pacific Rim Ann Arbor

It was fun spending some time in Ann Arbor this weekend through the eyes of a friend who as visiting for the first time. Friday night we started out late, but found that the activity level downtown was still high.

There was an eclectic group of people in a kaleidoscope of shapes, colors and sizes gearing up for some late night frivolity. We decided to eat Japanese that night and found the restaurant to be completely empty except for one other couple. That was kind of nice as we had a very quiet spot to get a chance to chat. The dinner was wonderful with 3 starters and two dinners to split- we ate like there wasn't another meal in sight for weeks.

Afterward we walked down to my favorite spot La Dolce Vita. We had an after dinner drink and some espresso. The bartender entertained us with funny stories about the late seventies hairstyles and polyester clothing. We had the best time just talking, laughing, and enjoying some great conversation.

Really, it’s the simple things that are the best.


Tomorrow Is Close By With My Dreams Intact

>> Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Man, it just occurred to me that my dreams might not become a reality....thank goodness that was a nightmare and I woke up to find my dreams still intact. Lets be real, we probably all have had that nightmare and some of us aren't even sleeping.

Actually, I was there for my entire life. I never entertained the thought that I could even have any dreams, let alone achieve them. It's like being let out of a padded cell without windows and you really see the sun for the first time.The warmth and the brightness are almost more than you can bare.

When you actually dare to hope that you might manifest things or people in your life that you want, it becomes seriously cool. My action plan today,.... dare to hope and never stop.
Tomorrow is close by with my dreams still intact.



>> Monday, May 18, 2009

Woke up in the most amazing mood and just laid in bed for a few minutes while thanking God for all that I have. I am feeling so much better these days, mentally and physically.

Now I have the energy to do a grueling "Boot Camp" exercise 3 mornings a week, plus walking and running tons of errands. My body is becoming strong and very lean. I am amazed at all that I have accomplished in this past year since I have taken my health to such a high level and I it's only the beginning of a continual journey.

One of my favorite things to do is to connect with someone that is ready to make a commitment to take their health up several notches, either by releasing weight, building lean muscle mass or just want to have great energy. When they actively seek my coaching, it is a perfect circle.



Graced by a Kiss

>> Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's as if I was graced by a kiss, squarely on the head by God. Giving me pure joy in doing my hearts desire. Having the chance to be a part of changing someone's life for the better, is like pure magic for my soul. I am so thankful each and every time.


Poor thighs- they just wanted to be appreciated!

>> Monday, May 11, 2009

Thunder thighs is feeding- I could not believe what I was hearing as I rushed to get the phone. My brother was at it again, teasing me relentlessly!

This was the start of my preoccupation with my upper thighs and all that could be done to thin them out- from a blow up suit that you exercised in, to taping the fat from the back so from the front my thighs looked rather svelte.. I didn’t take into consideration what I looked like from the back...

The mail order blow up exercise pants where real fun.. Once those where blown up with a tire pump and you were captured inside of this plastic space suit,. That’s when you were supposed to do 100 leg lifts and butt kicks. Well no one told me that I wouldn't be able to get out of the suit without assistance..

I can remember trying to walk up the stairs with my space suit- each step was like a little mountain.. When I finally reached my destination, the kitchen, I grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed the darn thing. I almost went circling around the room like a deflated balloon, my dog was barking at me like I was an invader from Mars.. .

Then my dear mother who’s idea of real exercise was hitting a crochet ball, decided to get serious, she ordered this belt vibrator machine that just shook the **** out of you. Of course it didn’t remove one inch of fat. When you got off of that machine your brain was like scrambled eggs. A beautiful red rash would develop where the belt had worn off fragments of your skin………. Those are my most treasured memories of my first exercising experience!

Until next time ...


Marley and Me

>> Sunday, May 3, 2009

As I sat watching “Marley and Me” last night while munching some popcorn. I was thinking-here we go again another slap stick dog-tearing up the house movie. Little did I know that unfolding before me was a movie of substance and depth.

I cried as the ending neared, which isn’t surprising as anything about animals can touch me deeply. I guess I was more surprised at how it made me think of my own life in terms of the unfolding of life, my family’s life and how the little gifts can become the biggest gifts of all.

Something as simplistic as watching this “dog” movie turned my mind to deeper thoughts, unveiling layers I’ve covered up with the every day life doing the same old-same old.

You think you have it all sewn up; only to realize your life can take a swift turn and lead you down a road that you never knew existed. This new world appears, with new sights, new textures and new experiences waiting to be experienced by you. You can glide through the shade barely seeing what is out there and then hit a patch of brilliant sunlight discovering your eyes can hardly take in what you see.

Then you realize when your eyes do adjust this new world is perfect for you, even though there was never a plan to visit- let alone stay. When this turning point is put before you, you can either keep going into the unknown letting life discover each moment with you or you can turn back and be comfortable in your known life where everything seems safe.

Deep down we all know that nothing is completely safe. For me, I would choose the brilliant sun each moment that I can remember to do so. I would rather be heading into the unknown where dreams have the possibility of being realized, then to head back home and be comfortable with the bleached out world of the known.




>> Friday, May 1, 2009

Get Ready for Summer!!!!

Nail Combo Packages!!!

Book a manicure and a pedicure for only $60!!!
($18 savings)

Book a nail fill and a pedicure for only $70!!!
($18 savings)

Book a full set of gel or acrylic nails and a pedicure for only $90!!!
($20 savings)

Brighten Up Your Hair Color!!!!

Book any highlight appointment and receive 20% off that service this month.

Don’t forget….1st Wednesday of every month get 20%off all products!!!


Fitness Pro Creates Sleeker Shapes With Isagenix®

>> Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jill 52 years old

Jill wasn’t looking to get in shape. The 52-year-old Star Consultant from Arizona is a personal trainer and a national figure competitor who is probably in better physical condition than most people 20 years her junior. However, with the help of Isagenix®, not only has she experienced unprecedented success in competitions, but she’s also helped her clients and built a business that she expects will serve as her full-time career in the near future.

Jill had been a bodybuilder for nearly 10 years, but when she decided that she wanted to step up in competition with a trip to nationals, it became clear that steroids were considered par for the course. That wasn’t a step Jill was willing to take, so she decided to cross over into figure competitions, which she says are considered “a bit softer.”One of her clients just happened to be Isagenix Co-Founder Kathy Coover, who had recommended Isagenix to her.

Jill wasn’t sold at first, but after looking over the nutritional ingredients she reconsidered and even told her husband Scott, also a bodybuilder, about the products.“We had been with Bodybuilding.com and GNC for years and weren’t looking for any new supplements,” says Jill. “When Kathy showed me the list of the ingredients used in the products, with my background in nutrition I immediately knew I had to get on Isagenix.”Jill and her husband Scott soon began to see results with both gaining more muscle* and successfully reducing their body fat percentages*.

Once she realized the success they were having, she decided it was the perfect time to put the products to the ultimate test. She cut back on her normally intense workouts and watched to see what the products could do for her in competition. "I tested Isagenix prior to and during events and took home two fourth-place finishes in an event, which is really good,” shares Jill. “While training, I was just exhausted all the time, but my endurance went up after I started using Isagenix.”

Jill knew immediately that she had a product people would want, especially given her elite clientele who generally want to lose weight and gain extra energy, plus do it quickly. With her experience as a trainer and the wide variety of nutritional products available, it’s been easy to find something to offer each of her clients.“Isagenix is for people who are overweight, underweight and want more energy.

I tailor the systems based on what I see and hear from them and can dial in where I don’t think other people can.” explains Jill. “Before Isagenix, if you wanted muscles, I knew how to train them. Now I can help them shape their body both inside and out and keep them on the products longer.”While Jill said that connecting with other fitness competitors is difficult because they’re extremely skeptical, she says the products are selling themselves with their physical results.

Her husband Scott has also been enjoying the benefits of Isagenix, even though he no longer competes as a bodybuilder.“He stays on the products so he keeps in shape,” shares Jill. “Bodybuilders are on a yo-yo, either fat and out of shape or in season. He can stay on Isagenix and still look good without a lot of the work.”For Jill and Scott, though, the most important thing Isagenix has done is to allow them to plan for the future, both financially and physically.“


Back From Toronto

>> Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Alright,,..... I am back from 4 days in Toronto learning all kinds of information on Holistic and medical nutrition. I will be working full stream in getting all of you as informed as possible. Over the next couple of weeks I will be putting information together that I learned in my 3 days of nutritional and mind body connection classes.
This will take your awareness and health to the next level- but you must be the one to do the homework.
1st on the list, watch Food Matters TV this is about 1 hour and is an absolute must, you will not regret it! We will start with this and everything else will fall into place. 84,600 seconds in a day, lets take some of those seconds to give ourselves the gift of great health, clear minds and disease free bodies. .

With warm regards,

Lesslee Belmore

Remember to live, love and learn.


V F W hall party

>> Sunday, January 25, 2009

Have you ever felt like you stepped back in time simply by walking through the door of a VFW hall?
Past revisited is the best description I can give you as I continue to describe my little soiree at a 75th birthday party I attended last night.
You know the nightmare wedding reception we've all been to in the past? You arrive with pumped up courage and open the door to the unknown.
You feel like an immediate spot light is beaming directly at you. It's as if you are elevated and showcased. You might even suspect you are on Dragnet!
There is no room to hide, you can't turn back.
Disco man is on the side bar with Michael Jackson's tunes playing.
The kids are on the floor looking like little electrocuted monkeys doing their dance.
The spinning ball is casting weird shadows,.. making somewhat odd looking people look even odder.
Then you realize you look just as odd yourself.
You settle in and begin to have a great time. You become one of them.
It is the twilight zone revisited.
Welcome to my life. :-)


Some Fun Pictures

>> Saturday, January 17, 2009


New Blogger Alert!

Twitter is so much fun! I am just learning about blogging so if any of you have any tips and tricks email me!

I am joining my blog log, blog catalog and entrecard today. I joined Twitter last week so be sure to follow me! Click my cool twitter button on my side bar!


-100 lb Club!

“Isagenix helped me to lose a total of 152 pounds and keep it off. I am now exactly half of my weight from when I started. This is the smallest I have been in 23 years—my entire adult life. Isagenix has totally changed my life.”Kim O.
Pounds Lost: 152

“I used to be known as the big kid in school and through my entire adult life I have tried to lose weight. The day I decided to try the Isagenix program was the day that changed my life. I have lost 218 pounds—the best part are all of the compliments from my new look.”Jason “The Crusher” D.
Pounds Lost: 218*


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