Cancer Prevention tips
>> Thursday, September 3, 2009
I put togehter a compilation of information to assist all of you Isa warriors in preventing cancer or at least in doing as much as you can to build your immune system and fight free radicals in our system.
The following is an exert from a world leading Oncologist and nutritional Physician: Dr. Mitchell Gaynor taken from his book; Cancer prevention program
"I am well aware that Americans have an ingrained skepticism about the idea that the things we eat can make a major difference in the incidence rates of such a powerful disease as cancer. It sometimes is hard to believe that a nutritional approach can really make that much of a difference, if it was so -wouldn't our Physicians have mentioned something? Now scientists know without any doubt that diet is probably the biggest single influence on cancer. We have thousands of medical studies that support this conclusion.
As a living creature you are subject to both internal and external poisoning. You suffer a considerable degree of toxic damage just from living your life. This places an enormous physical stress on our bodies as you encounter viruses, toxins, and inflammatory agents on a daily basis. Your body must deal with these marauders quickly and efficiently.
In many people, this protective process fails, but I believe, and there is strong evidence proving that what we do for ourselves nutritional can help us stay cancer free."
Here is where I believe Isagenix and great nutrition can benefit all of us: Dr. Gaynor recommends that you eat 7 to 8 servings of greens and a fruit a day, the American Cancer society has stated the same. Have you ever tried to eat that much in one day? He has stated that fruits and phyto-nutrient are extremely important in fighting free radicals that cause cancer.
- Phytonutrients; Our Isa Greens provide essential phyto-nutritients to our diet.
- Isa fruits; = 30 servings of the highest anti-oxidant fruits available in one scoop. The Greens and the Fruits like our shakes become live food once water is added. This is very powerful nutrition.
Adding a scoop of these to your shake each day covers your daily requirements. Obviously it is advised to have several other servings of fresh vegetables a day. Fruits, cabbage, greens, radishes, tomato based products and carotenoids should all be added to your daily and weekly diet.
- Cleansing; Cleansing is one of the most powerful tools we have with Isagenix.,This is the only cleanse that works on a deep cellular level, working on the lymphatic’s, liver, blood, kidneys and even goes past the blood brain barrier to remove heavy metals in our brain. Your major filter for your body is the liver. It is working triple time to keep our bodies free of toxins as we pull in pollutants from all sources, alcohol, pesticides on our foods, air we breathe, water we drink and products absorbed through the skin. It's simply too much for our bodies to handle anymore and it now needs assistance. Putting 2 ounces of cleanse in your body twice a day is like magic, if your body could talk it would say a hearty "Thank You!". Everyone optimally should do an all day cleanse or the very deepest cleanse, 2 days back to back. But do not skip Cleansing on a regular basis.
- Isa shakes; Have the most beautiful un-denatured whey from New Zealand where the cows are treated with great care and are grass feed in rolling pastures .No antibiotics or hormones are ever used. It is very pure (grade 7)and highly absorbed in our bodies. Whey protein also has amounts of glutathione and L-cysteine. That is a major antioxidant that is used in tissues throughout the body. One shake has a complete amino acid profile, organic carbs in just the right amount to convert to glycerin to feed the brain and omegas for heart health and cancer prevention.. .
- Ionix Supreme: 274 earth minerals and enzymes that our bodies are desperately missing as our soils are so depleted. This is a must have for everyone over 18. It has many adaptagens that are crucial in building a strong immune system, excellent for stress, great for enhancing libido, hair, skin and nails. One of the most unique drinks on the planet.
Below are some of the supplements that Dr. Gaynor recommends:
Vitamin A: Wonderful aid against Lung cancer, but if you already smoke you should avoid this vitamin. 10,000 International units daily.
Vitamin B: The B panel is extensive, you need all of them in your diet, and they often work together. But one that Dr. Gaynor signals out is the B12. This vitamin is usually low in smokers and offers protection to smokers. Folic acid alone suggests that it is probably protective against a wide variety of cancers. Low levels are associated with increased risk of cervix, colon, rectum, lung, esophagus, and brain. Isagenix Want more energy contains all the B vitamins, enzymes and electrolytes. I put this is my morning shake and I am so full of wonderful energy. I recommend this to every one.
Vitamin C: It is an amazing cancer fighter, powerful protection against cardiovascular disease, and helps protect us from the effects of pollution. Isagenix (of course) has awesome C
Vitamin D:This vitamin protects against prostate cancer, colon cancer and is a powerful immune booster. The men's and women's Essentials have all the basics vitamins that your body requires and offers great prostate protection for men.
Vitamin E:This strong anti-oxidant travels where most others cannot go. It delivers on site protection. It is a great friend to your immune system. 200 to 400 International units daily.
Coenzyme CoQ10: Vigorous anti-oxidant 30 to 100 milligrams daily with food. (Do not take if you are on blood thinner)
Omegas: Integral for heart health and an excellent cancer fighter. Isa Omegas are the purest Omegas, 3rd party tested for extreme pureness. 2 Isa Omegas a day.
Soy: Premier cancer fighter; 8 ozs of soy daily or 500 to 1000 milligrams soy iso-flavonied daily.
Amino Acids: Overall health and cancer fighters. We get a complete panel of amino acids in our Isalean shake.
Isagenixs has a powerful antioxidant supplement that I take with the Essentials. Instead of buying each vitamin separately..
Avoid the obvious; smoking, taking in excessive caffeine, nitrites in foods, overly processed foods, chemical sugars, soda pop, red meat, alcohol should be only in moderation. 2 drinks a day and preferably red wine.
Things you need to incorporate:
- Exercising at least 4 days a week, include resistance exercise for bones and overall health.
- Drinking pure water throughout the day,(rule of thumb, every 15 minutes.) Dehydration affects every part of your body, especially the brain.
- Cleansing to remove toxins and heavy metals. (Ask me how to put this into your everyday routine.)
- Eating fruits and vegetables every day.
- Laughing. It is actually wonderful for your immune system. So laugh every day!
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